Bubblewrap World Record!

Not long after the exciting launch of our new Simply Eco packaging range, Akshay from Creative Art Campus got in touch, to see if we could supply them with some Bubblewrap for a Guinness World Record attempt.

When we heard they were planning to set the new Guinness World Record for the Largest Bubble Wrap Painting, we were more than happy to get involved!

Here’s what happened…


Springpack supplied several rolls of Simply Eco Premium Bubble Wrap Rolls and Akshay’s amazing team of volunteers did the rest. Using a syringe, they filled approximately 200,000 (previously air-filled) bubbles with paint to create the picture.

Being encased in bubble wrap, it’s no surprise that it took 45 days for the paint inside the bubbles to dry!

Here’s a photograph of the team hard at work!


Bubblewrap World Record Bubblewrap World Record




The finished picture

So, once the 45 days had passed, and the paint had dried, it was time to construct the picture. With images of Bill Gates and JK Rowling, as well as other notable personalities, the picture was complete!


Bubblewrap World Record


So, was a new Bubblewrap World Record set?

With a team that was filled with highly talented artists, it was no surprise that the project was a success.

Everybody at Creative Art Campus worked together to make sure that the project was completed to a very high standard. With their joint efforts, the results were amazing.

The picture measured 16.015 square metres, setting a new Guinness World Record! Akshay recently dropped in to present us with our certification of participation, and we had a great chat about the next project. Watch this space for the next World Record attempt by the team at Creative Art Campus!


Bubblewrap World Record



It has to be said, that painting with Bubblewrap isn’t your typical application for the product, but it’s great to see it being used in a different, more innovative way! Why not click here to read our blog on How To Use Bubblewrap.

If this post has inspired you, and you’re asking yourself “Where can I buy bubble wrap?” why not choose Springpack?

Our full range of Bubblewrap can also be viewed by clicking here.



If you’d like further information on the products and services we offer at Springpack, get in touch with the Packaging Pros today! You can reach us by calling 01905 457 000 or by emailing [email protected]. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel too!

About the author

Profile image of Simon Rees
Simon Rees
I am Springpacks Head of Marketing covering all aspects of marketing. I specialise in digital marketing with almost 15 years experience.
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