Rubber Band / Elastic Band Buying Guide

Did You Know?

According to Wikipedia – Rubber bands were patented by Stephen Perry on 17th March (St Patricks Day) 1845.

In almost every office up and down the UK rubber bands are used on a daily basis. Although you could be forgiven for thinking that they are a ‘one size fits all’ product, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Giving you a helping hand when choosing the size and width of a rubber band for your specific task, we have created a guide below.

First you need to think about the size that you will need in relation to its width and then in terms of the expansion that you will need. Each rubber band measurement can be seen below and can be used to make sure that the product is right for you.

Whether you are securing boxes, fastening stationery together to keep it neat and tidy or creating bundles of envelopes in assorted piles then we have a rubber band that will do just the job. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that one size will suit all because in our extensive experience that isn’t the case.

Rubber Band Box Quantities

Rubber bands are sold by weight.  Springpack supplies rubber bands  in 40LB (Pound / 18KG).  The quantity of rubber bands in a pack varies depending  upon the size of the band.

How to Measure a Rubber Band

The way to measure a rubber band sizes is to squeeze it flat (but don’t stretch it) and measure the length.  Then you measure the width of the band and this will give you the size.

Springpack Rubber Bands

Rubber Band / Elastic Band Size Guide

Size Number

Size Measurements Link to Buy
Size 161.5 x 63 mmClick Here
Size 181.5 x 76 mmClick Here
Size 191.5 x 89 mmClick Here
Size 221.5 x 100 mmClick Here
Size 323 x 76 mmClick Here
Size 333 x 89 mmClick Here
Size 343 x 100 mmClick Here
Size 363 x 127mmClick Here
Size 383 x 160 mmClick Here
Size 626 x 60mmClick Here
Size 696 x 152 mmClick Here


Rubber bands are used all over the world and have many uses.  In the solicitors office they are used for holding together lever arch files and mailing bags, whilst in the warehouse they can be used for bundling products together.  They are often used in postrooms to bundle post for different departments or the post office itself to keep mail organised.  There are literally thousands of uses and are used in virtually every business on the planet.

Rubber Band Colour

The standard rubber band sizes that are supplied in the UK are a light brown colour.  They are also referred to as amber, tan or buff.  The assorted rubber bands come in light brown or an assorted colour pack.

Rubber Bands or Elastic Bands

Are they rubber bands or elastic bands?  Well, both really.  Rubber bands are referred to because of the high rubber content in the item (roughly 70-80%).  Where as, elastic bands are referring to the elasticity of the item.  This means it can return to it’s original shape and size once the force to stretch it has been removed.

Rubber Bands

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